Financial Information

InSight Surgery Center’s policy is to bill the patient’s insurance company for facility charges when applicable.

InSight Surgery Center Billing Practices

InSight Surgery Center’s policy is to bill the patient’s insurance company for facility charges. InSight Surgery Center will also collect any co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles at the time of surgery. The responsible party will be billed for any charges the insurance company does not cover, including co-payments, deductibles and co-insurance. Additionally, the responsible party will be billed for facility charges in full should the insurance company deny coverage due to lack of referral, no pre-authorization, lack of proper reporting of incident/accident or lack of individual coverage, where applicable.

Services provided by third party providers, including but not limited to the Surgeon’s professional fees, Anesthesia professional services, Surgical Assistants, Laboratory and Durable Medical Equipment are billed separate and are the sole responsibility of the responsible party and/or their insurance provider.

There may be additional charges should your surgeon perform a procedure that is different from, or in addition to, what was scheduled, implants, 23-hour observation, or other services which were not scheduled or quoted prior to surgery.

Please Note: It is the patient’s responsibility to understand their individual insurance benefits.

A copy of the TRANSPARENCY IN HEALTH CARE PRICES ACT is posted in our lobby for your consideration

Patients with Medicare/Medicaid

We will bill Medicare /Medicaid for you. You will need to provide us with current coverage information. Following payment from Medicare/Medicaid, you will receive a statement listing charges you are responsible for (deductible, co-insurance, non-covered charges, etc.) and the date any supplemental insurance (if applicable) was filed. Payment from supplemental insurance or from you is due 30 days from date of service.

Patients with Insurance

We bill your insurance if you have assigned payment of benefits to us and have provided us with current insurance policy information. You are responsible for all charges not paid by your insurance company. All copays, deductibles, co-insurances, etc. are due at the time of service. 

Patients with No Insurance

Payment is due at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made.

Patients having Cosmetic Surgery

No payment will be collected the day of your surgery since prior arrangements have been made with your surgeon’s office. We will request a copy of your insurance card for your file in the event your surgeon requests laboratory/pathology testing or in case of a medical emergency.

Delinquent Accounts

InSight Surgery Center will use professional collection agencies when accounts become delinquent. PLEASE NOTE: You may receive medical bills from our surgery center, your surgeon, anesthesiologist, pathology, etc. Federal regulations mandate that billings for professional services (those provided by a physician) be separate from the surgery center’s service charge. Therefore, services performed by your physician, will be billed separately from the surgery center bill. These services include, but are not limited to: examinations of pathological tissues, direct physician services, etc.

Payment Arrangements

Payment arrangements must be agreed upon prior to service rendered if payment in full, at the time of service, is not possible.

Lone Tree, CO
Business Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday - 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed